Subversion in videogames 
The most effective way to direct players using the 3D environment to make subconscious decisions
In modern gaming environments players often have the autonomy to go wherever they want in the world created by the developer, however this is not always what the developer wants or needs. No real research has been done into gaming environment and how players move within them, which is the objective of this research paper as it looks into potential ways for developers to direct players in a 3D environment. With this in mind it looks at various psychological theories that could help such as the reactance theory where it looks at how it could be possible to train a person to want something without them even realising.
Based on data collected by people researching the reactance theory and with supporting help from colour theory and psychology a series of tests were created and distributed to those who play games either seriously or as a hobby, asking them varying questions about colours and their trust towards them. leading to results that indicate that the use of colour in a 3D environment is not the only one potential way of guiding a player subconsciously, being that there are other methods such as patterns in the world, players could follow. Coming to various conclusions before critically analysing or stages of this research and making one final conclusion that aims to solve the thesis title and hypothesis posed during the methodology.
'Promotion' 2D Platformer
Designed and based on the game of chess a 2D side scroller adventure game. As part of a Media Development and Distribution course, a game designed to be created individually with the aim to be put onto Mobile. Project Length : Feb 19 - Mar 19
As part of my university course for media distribution and distribution, we were required to make a short vertical slice of a game designed for mobile, but easily able to be put on any gaming platform, such as epic games or steam or consoles.
For simplicity it was decided to use a 2D format in the Unreal engine, the first step of development is to personally create sprites and a blueprints to have the main character perform animations when certain buttons are pressed in the engine.
Once the main character was visualised the next step was to create a world in which the character could travel through, basic drawings were made then to transfer the first level into the Unreal Engine i used 2D tile sets and drew out the level with greybox's to get a feel and test how the character would move through the game. 
An original idea was to make the level a large 2D map however to save on loading time and to optimise, i decided to split in into 8 smaller sections, that way i could include interesting features, such as travelling right to left across the screen and up and down instead of the normal right to left route.
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 3
Level 3
Level 4
Level 4
Level 5
Level 5
Level 6
Level 6
Level 7
Level 7
Level 8
Level 8
Level 9
Level 9
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